The things that are seen are temporal.....the things that are not seen are Eternal......
Published on February 23, 2007 By Pamkins In WindowBlinds
Hey, Can I get some help please. Have just purchased the Object Desktop and running through paces. Love Windowblinds, but when I want to change my theme my taskbar does not load. I even go to Classic first, or even back to XP, and it still doesn't load. I get message. Shutting down, encountered a DLL problem. Can anyone help please. Thanks
on Feb 24, 2007
Sounds like a corruption somewhere?? have you installed previous to getting ODesktp any trial versions of web-blinds etc,if so you need to delete them first it may also mean running ccleaner and or going into regedit and deleting anything to do with the previously installed apps after deleting all of OD within SDC
BY the way once all things are sorted archive the lot then save the archive to disk (more than one copy) coz it appears if you reformatt after the subs expire you will not be able to download what you thought you bought

on Feb 24, 2007
open wb configuration and post the system information
on Feb 24, 2007
Hey, tks for help. Guess what all. Dah!! sorry! Works fine now.
on Feb 24, 2007
I had the Task Bar hidden, and everytime I wanted to load windowsblinds, it didn't load the task bar, and i couldn't get to the Start Menu at all. Tks anyway
on Feb 24, 2007
With your taskbar hidden you can always get to your Start Menu by hitting the Windows key on your keyboard..

It's My Secret
on Feb 24, 2007
I just used ODock to hide the taskbar, switched skins - the taskbar still skins even thought hidden

Using ODock, Obar, DTX, etc to hide the bar will not allow the bar itself to appear when pressing the windowskey, but MySecret is correct - the start panel will appear