The things that are seen are temporal.....the things that are not seen are Eternal......
Published on January 25, 2007 By Pamkins In Object Desktop
Hey, does anyone have any trouble with the Logon software. I have downloaded every version there is, and its works about once, then goes into DOS with a message from Windows "Go to the last good configuration. This is caused by new software on your machine, or start in Safe Mode. Is there another version thats stable please. Tks muchly  
on Jan 25, 2007
Are you running Windows XP, logonstudio is XP only.
on Jan 25, 2007
Yes, I am on XP Pro
on Jan 25, 2007
Have you used other customization software in the past like StyleXP, it hacks your system. Also since you mention trying all versions are you talking about Bootskin. Bootskin will not work on some systems due to manufacturer tweaks to the BIOS.
on Jan 26, 2007
Sorry. You're right. I mean Boot, not Logon. Boy, its so confusing, there is just so much stuff when you first hit this place, takes time to take it in. Yep, been going thru some other comments on boot and i just won't be able to use it unfortunately. Uploaded and downloaded so many times, still with the same results. Logon working just great as everything else. Tks for yr help anyway