The things that are seen are temporal.....the things that are not seen are Eternal......
Published on March 12, 2007 By Pamkins In New Users
Hi, just have a question. I can't get any downloads onto my Desktop X. Also, when I choose a Desktop X it comes up a different theme than the one I chose. Can I uninstall this, or can I uninstall Object Desktop and reinstall again. Is it possible. Thanks.
on Mar 12, 2007
Object Desktop is a suite of programs

DesktopX is one of those programs

you can uninstall just one (ie DesktopX) then reinstall if needed.

I can't get any downloads onto my Desktop X.

Need more explanation

Also, when I choose a Desktop X it comes up a different theme than the one I chose.

How you mean?
on Mar 12, 2007
Well, when I downloaded with Opera it gave me two options, one All Files and the other desktop X, but I have since learned, mm mm , that I needed to do some changes in my option with Opera. Before that I ended up downloading Firefox and also Maxthon, but am so used to Opera and love it that I decided to explore and get better acquainted with the options. Anyway, thanks. See how we go. Don't you just luv Object Desktop. Its the best.